Watch: 5 Diet Tricks To Get Your Old Body Back

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), more than one-third of Americans are obese. The number of Americans who choose to diet every year is also high — about 45 million people. Sadly, for many people, dieting is not a solution to obesity. Why? The willpower required to stick to a strict diet day in and day out is difficult to maintain. Most people can diet for a few weeks, but maintaining a healthy weight is a lifelong process. A couple weeks just doesn’t cut it.

Diet tips that really work

The only way to truly stay fit and healthy is to change your habits, which can be a slow and arduous process. Luckily, there are a number of tricks that are easy to implement. They’ll help you diet without depleting your limited resources of willpower. Give them a try!

— Erin Wildermuth

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