WATCH: 5 Reasons To Drink Water Instead Of Soda

Did you know that each American drinks an average of 44.7 gallons of soda each year? In contrast, we only drink 28.3 gallons of bottled water. These numbers are from 2010, and they’re actually an improvement from 2005 when Americans were drinking 6.8 more gallons of soda each year. Whichever way you cut the numbers, one thing is for sure: we drink way too much soda and not nearly enough water.  

Up to 60 percent of the human body is comprised of water. The substance is our lifeblood. It keeps our skin clear, our digestive system functional and it is absolutely necessary for human health. Soda is the opposite. It is often made with high-fructose corn syrup, it’s as sugary sweet as can be and it’s generally devoid of nutrition.

Watch five reasons to skip the soda and hydrate with water instead.

— Erin Wildermuth

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