Twins Study Finds Drive To Be Thin Resides in Your Genes (not denim)

Twins Study Finds the Drive To Be Thin Resides in Your Genes (not denim)

You may sigh with frustration when you are alone in the dressing room trying on jeans. However, your inherited genes may be responsible for how you look in those denim jeans.

Twins Study Finds the Drive To Be Thin Resides in Your Genes (not denim)Nature vs Media

Researchers from Michigan State University challenged the accepted idea that cultural influence is the strongest influence for women who focus on their weight. For decades, women have been told that they must be thin in order to be acceptable. As a result, many women have become obsessed with losing weight, some to the point of developing eating disorders.

The study from Michigan State University’s Department of Psychology utilized information from MSU’s extensive twin studies database. Comparing environmental influences on female identical twins to fraternal twins, researchers were able to determine that identical twins, who share the same genetic makeup, were more susceptible to cultural messages regarding ideal weight and size. Fraternal twins were less likely to develop an internalized ideal of perfect weight and size.

Although it has become more acceptable in recent years to strive for ideal health rather than focus entirely on weight and size, many women feel driven to simply lose weight. Certainly,  unhealthy fat, in large amounts, is associated with increased risk for diabetes, heart attacks and high blood pressure. However, healthy weight loss should be emphasized.

Eliminating processed foods, refined sugar and high fat foods also reduce belly fat. Instead of grabbing a soda and smoking a cigarette to stave off hunger, try munching on organic whole carrots and drinking a glass of cold water. Snacks like raw almonds, fresh fruit and Greek yogurt are healthy alternatives that will give you energy, provide you with good nutrition and help keep the weight off.

What tricks do you use to keep the weight off? Do you have favorite quick healthy snacks?

– The Alternative Daily

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