Touch Therapy Helps to Restore Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Balance in Cancer Patients

Touch Therapy Helps to Restore Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Balance in Cancer Patients

A new study reveals that Jin Shin Jyutsu, an ancient practice of touch therapy, may help to alleviate pain in cancer patients. This form of ancient art harmonizes the body, mind and spirit with just a gentle touch.

Touch Therapy Helps to Restore Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Balance in Cancer Patients
Doctors have tested its effect on 159 cancer patients suffering from pain and nausea by lightly touching 52 points on their body. Some of these points include their upper calf, upper arm and lower leg. The therapy facilitates balance in these individual’s energy systems.

Sessions begin while listening to the pulse, which indicates energy flow. Due to the fact that diseases begin with blockades of energy, this method helps to harmonize a patient and show what needs to be restored without creating additional stress.

Regardless of the cancer patients’ age, sex or diagnosis, all of the individuals saw improvements without any additional unwanted effects. After the initial session was over, the patients were asked to rate their nausea, stress and pain on a scale. Overall, the patients rated their levels with a 2-to3 point reduction.

Although the results are extremely promising, more research must be done to take such factors as the time between each session and the duration of the session into account. For now, doctors are thrilled with their discoveries and look forward to what this therapy has to offer for more patients.

Doctors also recommend the practice of yoga to those individuals who have breast cancer. Regular yoga, physical therapy and acupuncture can all be used to help minimize fatigue.

– The Alternative Daily

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