Tighten Your Butt Fast with These Everyday Activities

If you want a better butt, we have good news: there are things you are likely already doing that can help. Simply do them more often and you will find that your glutes are far more favorable.

The movements involved in the following common activities work just as effectively as many exercises that focus on your glutes.

Take the stairs

The elevator is certainly convenient, but it does not come with any health benefits. You use your legs and your glutes every time you take a step on a flight of stairs. Going up is the most beneficial, but going down also comes with some benefits. If you take the stairs even two to three times per day, you are working these muscles.

After walking up several flights of stairs, it is not uncommon to feel some burning in the front of your thighs and in your butt, because these are the muscles that you are working most. Don’t overdo it, but try to get several trips in if you can.

Go for a walk

Walking is a great way to give your glutes some attention. Instead of sitting for your entire lunch hour, grab a quick and healthy bite to eat, and then take a walk. You can walk around the building or take a stroll around the block. If you have a park nearby, consider a short walk in nature to help clear your head so that you can tackle the rest of the day without any extra stress.

If you want to take it up a notch, walk up some hills or toss a few flights of stairs into the mix to really work those muscles.

Replace your chair with a ball

Climbing up stairsWhen you sit on a yoga ball, you have to work to keep your balance. It is also better for posture because there is no back on the ball like there is on a chair. Replacing your chair with a ball helps to target your legs and your glutes.

Having a yoga ball around also gives you something that allows for easier stretching throughout the day, and this is important to prevent back and shoulder tension, as well as to wake you up when you start feeling that afternoon lag.

These activities are all quick and simple, allowing you to easily reap the benefits without putting in excessive work. Make these few simple changes to your routine, and you will likely not even miss your old way of doing things… and your butt will look great.

-The Alternative Daily


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