17 Strange Things Highly Successful People Do Daily

When you look at “successful” people — those who achieve great things — what do they have in common? You may look at these individuals and think they’re lucky, and in some cases, luck has played a role; however, very few are overnight success stories.

In order to reach success, you need to complete tasks each day, taking small daily actions to achieve larger, more impressive goals. Being successful comes from one’s approach to life, and if you try to implement some of these 17 behaviors and beliefs, you may just find yourself living a whole new life. 

To be successful, those who have “made it” tend to do these slightly strange, yet valuable things each day; and although they may not seem that odd, ask yourself, are they common enough that you are personally practicing them? Those who are already successful…

Wake up with the roosters

Think about it — when are you able to get the most work done? Most people admit, the mornings are when they are most focused. A long list of successful people have admitted to being early risers — and I’m not talking about early to beat traffic, either. At 4 a.m., they’re often out of bed and ready to tackle the day.

For some, they need to reach out to different time zones; others take that time to send emails or plan their day; while many successful individuals workout before rushing their kids off to school. Based on one study, it appears that those who achieve business success are more productive — and, surprise, surprise, they tend to be morning people.

Understand that productivity is king and act accordingly

There are so many individuals who feel like their life is chaotic and that they’re busy all the time, yet they don’t get as much done as they’d like. What gives? Successful people understand that it’s not about being busy, it’s about being productive. Choosing the right tasks makes all the difference.

In order to be successful, you need to set boundaries — learn to say no, focusing on what truly matters in terms of your goals. Successful people know what they want and do not dillydally; they’re not interested in wasting time. They know how to set priorities and stick to them, ensuring each day brings them closer to their end goal. 

Related: Why Saying ‘No’ Is Healthy

Focus on achieving many small accomplishments 

Many do not take any risks because they are overwhelmed by the journey ahead of them. Successful people divide one large goal up into smaller tasks. Based on what they’d like to achieve, they focus on smart moves, ticking off tasks within their strategic action plan. In many cases, if you only focus on the big picture, you’ll quickly become overwhelmed. 

Think about starting your own business from the ground up — whoa, there’s a lot to do, right? Well, if you focus on building a successful business by taking productive daily steps, things seem to fall into place. Once you have developed a direction, you can achieve a lot of little steps each day, contributing to daily progress. In a way, successful people visualize the end result, then work their way backwards in order to engineer the best possible plan of action.

Maintain their health

Success is not only managed in terms of finances — and you know what they say, health is wealth. Successful people know that in order to be the best that they can be mentally, they need to tend to their physical health. After all, success, happiness and health are all closely related.

Also, many who wake up early in order to work out, bring the same level of motivation to other aspects of their lives. Successful people know how to develop good habits and one of those habits is maintaining a regular exercise routine and an overall healthy lifestyle.

Network and strengthen social relationships 

When you think about successful entrepreneurs, for instance, the relationships they build over the years help them achieve more and more. They focus on growing their network, building relationships that can help them further their goals. In many cases, these budding relationships are more valuable than financial investments.

Practice gratitude

In order to be truly successful, you need to be happy. Happiness comes from appreciating the little things, being grateful for all of life’s simple pleasures. Gratitude is an extremely powerful emotion, allowing individuals to naturally appreciate the world around them.

Research has shown that those who are grateful, positively impact their mental and physical state, influencing their ability to achieve more. One study found that practicing gratitude actually changes patterns in the brain. When you’re grateful each day, long-lasting neural effects result. This healthy, self-perpetuating cycle can increase willpower, happiness and overall success.

Follow their gut 

Finding success means making some moves you’re uncertain about. Successful people know to listen to their gut. In fact, a gut feeling is essentially one’s intuition — formed from experiences, memories and beliefs. It does not require deep thinking or analysis, and as long as emotions do not interfere, your gut is generally fairly accurate.

Study: Feeling Anxious? Why Your Gut May Be the Reason

Cut corners 

Once success is reached, there are certain strategies that are learned for future reference. In order to repeat that success, professionals know that they can cut certain corners to ensure progress is cheaper, faster and easier. The key here is, they do not sacrifice quality. In this case, it’s not so much what they do on a daily basis, but what they learn not to do.

Never stop learning

Just because you finish university, does not mean that your need for education is over. Sure, you may have gotten your degree and now you’re in the workforce, but each and every industry is constantly evolving and changing. With new technology, comes new opportunity. 

Successful people ensure that they are forever learning, especially when they fail. They use their failures as a means to strengthen future decisions. They may make that mistake once, but moving forward, they will use that learned knowledge to ensure greater productivity and more positive gains.


When you learn to adapt to a wide range of situations, you’re essentially more flexible. Successful people adapt to their changing needs each and every day, and are often prepared with plans A, B, C and even D if needed. They understand that maintaining control is critical — thinking before they react.

Take notes

Taking notes daily will encourage a wide range of benefits, and successful people know this. Coming back to the concept of learning, writing your thoughts and experiences down is a great way to process information. By taking notes, successful people are making connections and understanding their goals more effectively.

Studies have shown that the art of note taking, whether handwritten or typed, does in fact boost one’s ability to learn, and promotes greater success. One study found that individuals who both wrote down their goals and shared them, increased their chances of success by 33 percent.

Accept criticism

It can be tough to hear that something you’re passionate about isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. In many cases, people become highly defensive when their work is criticized. Successful people don’t allow negative feedback to bring them down. Instead of becoming bitter, they take criticism on board. They may not always agree, but they’re able to look past that.

Let go 

Far too many people hold onto negative feelings and emotions, holding them back in life. Successful people know that in order to thrive, they need to let go. They understand that past negative experiences, habits or beliefs, hinder their future progress.

Letting go does not only apply to traumatic or unpleasant events, but also your approach to life. Many people sabotage their own growth because they need to be right. As you let go of this need, gaining perspective along the way, a whole new world of possibilities opens up.


Napping during the day? Isn’t that for lazy people? Studies show that napping is essential for improving not only brain function, but also overall productivity. Napping is a recovery process for the brain, helping to regain focus and motivation. Google has introduced sleeping pods for their employees, and Thomas Edison, one of the most successful people in history, was known to nap just about anywhere.

Know when to take a break

If they’re not napping, successful people are taking breaks. The concept behind short, yet frequent breaks, is that individuals are able to return to their work with greater intensity and focus. In order to achieve the most they can during the day, successful people understand that their physical and mental energy need to be restored every so often.

According to a study, it was found that in terms of productivity, the top 10 percent were the most effective when it came to taking breaks. Working for 52 minutes, they would then take a 17-minute break. Making the most of those 52 minutes, they used their frequent breaks as a way to regain focus. After their break, it was found that over the next 52-minute “work” period, they were able to work with intense purpose.

Talk to themselves

Someone who is having a conversation with no one but themselves may come across as slightly crazy. However, this is not uncommon among successful individuals. It’s been found that talking to yourself can actually make your brain more efficient, improving cognitive functioning. In fact, past research has shown that when children talk to themselves, this self-direct speech actually helps guide their behavior.


It’s been ingrained in us that winners don’t quit, but if you look at successful people, you’ll see that they’re often the biggest quitters of them all. If something is not contributing to their success, they cut it out. Successful people understand that time, energy and money are too precious to waste. If something isn’t contributing to their goals, they drop it — and fast.

If you have the drive and ambition to succeed, perhaps you need to change your approach. Successful individuals aren’t superhuman, they just know what they want, when they want it. Remember, everyone is unique and what works for some, doesn’t work for others. If you want to gain success, you need to find your groove, stick to it, and thrive. 

—Krista Hillis

Krista Hillis is passionate about nutrition, mental health, and sustainable practices. She has her Bachelors in Psychology and Neuroscience and is still active in her research. Studying both the body and mind, she focuses on natural health and balance. Krista enjoys writing based on her ability to inspire others and increase overall awareness.



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