The Power of Fear and Cancer Screenings

Cancer is a scary illness. It is one of the illnesses that people most fear, even though heart disease and diabetes are far more prevalent and likely killers than cancer. However, fearing a health issue can also do unnecessary damage to a person who is not at risk for a disease.

The Power of Fear

Fear is a natural response to something that your mind deems as scary. It is a survival instinct that keeps us from getting hurt. When it comes to cancer screenings, however, fear can actually cause even greater harm.

Getting a cancer screening is only the first step in maintaining your health. Often, a person resists getting a screening at all because they are afraid they have the illness and what it may mean. However, a positive result does not mean that your life is over. It simply means that you have a health condition that needs to be treated. The bigger danger is not addressing having cancer at all and letting the illness run rampant.

That is not to say that treatment for cancer is a walk in the park. Chemotherapy and radiation are difficult emotionally and physically. However, complimentary therapies, such as meditation, yoga and exercise can have a significant impact and ease the side effects of these treatments and help to improve survival rates. Treatments for cancers such as breast and colon cancer are more survivable than ever before and using complimentary therapies can help reduce the chances of the return of cancer once in remission. Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise and good diet can go a long way toward keeping you healthy for many years to come.

The fear of having cancer should not prevent you from finding out if you need to take further steps to protect your health. If you discovered you have diabetes or a heart condition, you would take steps to get appropriate treatment. Cancer is no different.

Although fear is a natural feeling, too much of it can cause many health issues. If you are someone who constantly worries about being diagnosed with chronic illnesses such as cancer, the fear is not helping your overall mindset. If alternative measures such as meditation, yoga, exercise and a healthy diet do not calm your fears and anxieties, call your doctor.

– The Alternative Daily

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