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40 Names for Sugar and 10 Reasons Why it is Important to Know

Sugar, many feel, should be renamed the white devil. It is a highly addictive substance that lurks in more foods than we can ever imagine. Sugar, a highly refined substance has a toxic effect on the human body that is culmulative.

That is, the more you eat, the worse things get for your health. Unfortunately, many people discover the devastating impact that this nutrient-void substance has had on their health too late.

Of course, the health implications of sugar are well documented, here are just ten reasons why you should avoid it at all costs:

The Many Names of Sugar

One of the major problems with sugar is that it has a large number of pseudonyms. Take the time to look at some things you have in your cupboard and when you go to the store – watch for these names.

Eventually…. you will want to avoid any products with these ingredients. Realize how sugar is not just the white stuff in the bag – all of these ingredients are sugar and have the same effect on the body as sugar.

Here are some more names…

And some more……

And yet, still some more…

Action Plan: Make a list of all of the foods that you currently consume that contain one or more of these ingredients. This will help you gain a better understanding of just how much sugar hides in unsuspecting places.

-The Alternative Daily

“Sugar, White Flour Withdrawal Produces Chemical Response.” The Addiction Letter. Jul1992: 4.
Scanto, S. and Yudkin, J. “The Effect of Dietary Sucrose on Blood Lipids, Serum Insulin, Platelet Adhesiveness and Body Weight in Human Volunteers.” Postgrad Med J. 1969; 45: 602-607.

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