The Alarming Truth About Pesticides And Your Health

The Alarming Truth About Pesticides And Your Health

Most people realize that many common household chemicals are dangerous if used incorrectly or with overexposure. However, did you realize that many chemicals that are used in common farming practices are also in your food and can actually change your body? Many of these chemicals can influence reproductive development, disrupt your endocrine system and influence your likelihood of developing obesity and diabetes.

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Pesticides and synthetic chemicals are commonly used to treat many crops during the growing process. In fact, the use of pesticides has increased dramatically since World War II as the demand for large scale food production as grown. Unfortunately, these crops are not only used to feed humans, but they are also used to feed many of the animals that are part of food production, including beef cattle, dairy cows, chickens and pigs. Pesticides and other chemicals remain in the soil and are absorbed by plants as the crops grow. Since these chemicals remain in the soil for decades after they are applied, even illegal substances find their way into the food system.

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Damaging food chemicals have been linked to breast and prostate cancer, infertility and diabetes. Additionally, pesticides have been also linked to low quality semen, thyroid disease and sex changes in fish in polluted areas. Many researchers believe that the alarming increase in immune system disorders, neurological problems and reproductive conditions can be directly traced back to the increased use of chemicals in food production.

The best way to avoid potential health problems from food chemicals is to eat whole organic foods. If you are not able to grow your own garden and control what is used on the food, then buy from farms you know and trust. Farmers markets are great places to find organic foods. Talk to the growers and ask them if they spray their foods for pests or use natural methods for pest control.

– The Alternative Daily

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