Tag: stress

Feeling Anxious? Why Your Gut May be the Reason

The old saying “you are what you eat” may ring true now more than ever. Scientists are learning more and more each day about...

Why Do I Never Seem to Have Enough Energy: 5 Ways...

If you’ve just started and already feel like you’re exhausted, you aren’t alone. With a practically endless list of responsibilities these days, from taking...

Are Your Thoughts Hurting Your Health?

Your thoughts are quite powerful, with the ability to affect your health and well-being for better or worse. Just as the power of positive...

How the Recession Has Impacted Health

America's recent 'Great Recession,' which lasted from about December 2008 to December 2011, caused significant stress to many people. It is well known that...

How Travel May Be the Best Prescription for Health

When most people think about travel, they don’t think of it as something that’s necessarily a healthy thing to do, but the truth is,...

3 Things That Affect Your Body Odor

Body odor is frequently something that is joked about, and attributed to poor hygiene or the need to take a bath. Often, however, this...

Why Your Job May be Making You Sick

If you’ve ever thought that your job might be the death of you, you might actually be right. A person’s job plays an important...

Stressed? How You Cope With it Depends on Your Gender

Few people, if anyone, can report having a stress-free life. Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent juggling the household or out climbing the corporate ladder,...

The #1 Thing We Need More of In Our Lives

Life continues to get more and more hectic, moving at a faster pace than ever. These days, many people bring work home or already...

5 Ways to Slow Down Your Life

We are on the go more than ever these days. We rush from one activity to the next, answering emails and booking hotel rooms...