Tag: refined sugar

The Pros and Cons of Eating Canned Food

We all know it is healthy to eat more fruits and vegetables, but does it really matter if we prepare them from fresh produce,...

3 Foods That Are Making You Mad

Make no mistake about it, the food and mood relationship is very tight. In fact, it is so tight that simply eating too much...

3 Healthy Coffee Shop Drinks To Make At Home

Ditch the refined sugar, processed whipped topping and the high cost of coffee shop drinks. Making your own version of popular brews at home...

It’s Not Just Too Much Alcohol that Can Destroy Your Liver:...

The concept of “too much of a good thing” is alive and well when it comes to sugar. Though so many of us recognize...

Top 2 Food Additives that are Stealing Years from Your Life

We talk a lot about a wide range of food additives and preservatives on a regular basis, to serve as an information source and...

The “Holiday Hangover” and 4 Other Strange Ways Sugar Impacts Your...

How many candy eggs or chocolate bunnies did you consume yesterday? Perhaps you had one too many - as most people do. Maybe it...

Avoid These 5 Food Processing Evils by Doing Just One Thing

It is important to begin any discussion on food processing with the truth. Humans have always processed food in some way or another. You...

2035 Diabetes Numbers Predicted to be HUGE

According to the sixth edition of the Diabetes Atlas, released by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) this November, 10 percent of the entire world...

Vitaminwater: Just as Terrible for You as Coke

Earlier this week, a court ruling decided that the lawsuit against Vitaminwater by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is to...

Top 4 Ingredients that Actually Make You Hungrier for More

We eat to satisfy our hunger - this is common knowledge. However, certain foods are actually counterproductive to this natural process, because eating them...