Tag: lemon juice

Mix Lemons With These Three Things For Amazing Hair

Hair takes a beating. We often don’t think about what we subject our hair to on a daily basis. Just the vast amount of...

This Is Why You Should Eat Lemons Daily

Alfred E. Newman had it right when he said,"We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture...

7 Raw Honey Fixes That Work (Ladies love # 4)

I absolutely love honey, especially raw and local honey. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t use honey. There's something...

Why I Breathe, Eat, and Drink Lemons Daily and So Should...

Lemons are one of the most affordable superfoods on the planet. For less than a dollar, you can help remedy and prevent an assortment...

End Stinky Armpits, Freshen Lettuce and More With Lemons

A squeeze of lemon in your water is refreshing and tastes great. Apart from using lemon to add zip to salads, soups, and fish,...

Warm Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks For The Holiday Season

The holiday season is officially here, and temptations abound. If you are trying to stay true to your healthy lifestyle, the days between Thanksgiving...

3 Research-Backed Rockstar Lemon Remedies That Really Work

Not only are they a tremendously cute and bight addition to any fruit bowl but they are also incredibly therapeutic. You would be surprised...

Reset Your Digestive Tract With This Zesty Colon Cleanse Drink

There are many symptoms of a toxic colon. They include skin rashes, vaginal infections, urinary tract infections, joint and muscle pain. Also included is...

Try This Homemade Decongestant At The First Sign Of A Cold

It’s that time of year — being exposed to colds or the flu is much more probable. There is nothing worse than a stuffy...

17 Reasons To Detox With Lemon Water And Cayenne Pepper Drink

A few years ago, the lemon and cayenne diet was hugely popular with celebrities as a weight-loss "detox." The diet consisted of lemon water...