Tag: healthy living
How Do You Want to Die: Painfully or Like a Whisper?
If you are not suffering from one of the top three killers, diabetes, cancer or heart disease, chances are someone you love is. Half...
10,000 Steps a Day Helps You Reach Your Full Genetic Potential
Movement is critical to a healthy, long and enjoyable life. The old saying, “if you don’t use it you will lose it,” is very...
5 Reasons Why Being in Love is Great for Your Health
Everyone loves being in love. However, a number of studies have found that being in love benefits both physical and mental health. These studies...
James Gandolfini a Recent Victim of America’s #1 Killer
Last Wednesday, James Gandolfini, dynamic star of the Emmy-winning series, "The Sopranos", tragically died of a heart attack while he was vacationing in Rome....
Can Artwork Naturally Lower Blood Pressure?
It has been well documented that our environment has a tremendous impact on our mental health.
Whether you live in a grey, northerly climate...
Top 5 Travel Therapy Destinations
Travel is therapy. There are few things in life that can surpass the experience of traveling.
It can be transformative, bring enlightenment and open...
5 Reasons Why Your Great, Great, Great Grandparents Were Healthier Than...
While it is true that our ancestors may not have lived as long as us, there is evidence that they lived healthier lives. Although...
More than Just a Furry Friend: 3 Ways a Dog Improves...
Dogs are known as man’s best friend, and for good reason. Many of us are passionate about our pets and according to The Humane...
50% of Our Food Budget Is Spent on Fast Food
What costs billions of dollars every year and makes Americans very, very sick? If you guessed the Standard American Diet, you got it right....
Too Much Health Advice? Gradual Changes Alleviate Frustration
The first step to making a change in your health is to decide to do it. Positive and committed thoughts are truly empowering. Negative...