Tag: dental

Take This 7-Day Himalayan Salt Challenge For Better Sleep, Digestion And...

If you’re like most people, chances are you think salt is a bad thing. Dietitians, doctors and health officials across the globe continue to...

7 Strange Yet Effective Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

It’s picture time. You know the drill, keep your mouth shut at all costs. Over the years, you have perfected the closed mouth smile...

Don’t Make This Mistake With Your Toothbrush…EVER

Good oral hygiene is not only crucial for a beautiful smile and a healthy mouth, but it could also save your life. Sound dramatic?...

4 Natural Ways To Recalcify And Re-Enamel Teeth

I still remember the excitement of losing my first couple of teeth (and waking up to a Canadian two dollar bill). Yes, I'm dating...

Eat These 9 Foods For Stronger, Whiter Teeth

Everyone wants stronger, whiter, healthier teeth. But most of us don’t want to pay an arm and a leg to get that dazzling white...

My Grandma’s Solution For Sensitive Teeth + 4 More Natural Remedies

Dental pain is the worst. You just want to enjoy an ice cream, or sip a hot cup of coffee, but that darn pain! Tooth...

This Tooth Problem Could Cause A Heart Attack

When we think about heart disease risk factors, several things come to mind. An obvious one is an unhealthy diet. We all know that...

Poop Breath? Here’s How To Fix It

Imagine this scenario all too familiar to many people. You’re at an office party, or a mixer of any sort. A colleague or acquaintance...

This Evening Trick Will Whiten Your Teeth By Morning

Everyone wants a smile that shines — and the best way to achieve this is to brighten up those pearly whites, right? Considering Americans...

The Dangers Of Mercury Fillings: What You Should Know

Have you ever experienced a shooting pain in your mouth, only to find out that you've developed a hole in your tooth? Generally, a...