Tag: cucumber

11 Delicious Things to Add to Water

We all know how important water is, but let’s face it, plain H2O can get seriously boring. Try spicing up your next glass of...

7 Fruits And Veggies You Should NEVER Peel

Everyone knows that eating fruits and vegetables is always a smart and healthy choice over most alternatives, especially considering how unhealthy products are constantly...

3 Fat-Flushing Infused Water Recipes

Drinking water helps regulate body temperature, protect vital organs and even improve your skin. But sipping a humble glass of water can get a...

Smear These 10 Things Under Your Eyes to Fight Puffiness

The alarm goes off. You roll out of bed, head to the bathroom, look in the mirror, and…Yikes! Look at those puffy eyes! You...

5 Natural Remedies To Treat Rosacea

Rosacea is a condition that results in enlarged, inflamed blood vessels particularly on the face. It’s a frustrating and sometimes painful health problem that...

Try These Turmeric Ice Cubes For Better Skin

We eat a whole lot of curry in our household — and I mean a lot. We’re always experimenting with new combinations, made with...

7 Natural Remedies For Chapped Lips And What Not to Do

Cold winters bring comfy sweaters, hot chocolate and cozying up in front of a warm fire. Unfortunately, with that may also come chapped, dry...

This Simple Fruit Water Recipe Fights Stress

Who doesn’t deal with stress on a daily basis these days? I know I sure do! Sometimes stress gets the best of me and...

Kick Stress To The Curb With This Smoothie

I am always looking for a healthy way to help relieve stress. I know I am not the only one that has more stress...

Avocado And Cucumber Melt-And-Pour Soap

If you’ve always wanted to make soap but don’t feel confident enough to try, this is a great recipe for you. Melt-and-pour varieties are...