Tag: bottled water

Is Your Water Too Acidic? Here Are The Most Damaging Brands

If you think you’re making a healthy choice by buying bottled water, it might be time to think again. That’s because conventional methods of...

Do We Have The Right To Clean Water? Nestle Doesn’t Think...

At the World Water Forum in 2000, former Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck-Letmathe said that "access to water should not be a public right." Along...

Do You Know What Kind Of Water You’re Drinking?

The bottled-water industry spends billions of dollars each year to mislead us into thinking that their “pure” water is what we need. In fact,...

Big Soda Is On The Decline — But There’s A Catch

After decades of Big Soda ruling the beverage industry, the popularity of soda is finally declining in the US. In fact, the amount of...

Who Needs Bottles? Water Blobs Are the Containers of the Future

Bottled water is the healthy on-the-go alternative to tap water, which can unfortunately contain high levels of chlorine, leftover medication, and the ever-controversial fluoride....

Top Five Worst So-Called ‘Health’ Foods

When choosing items labeled as ‘healthy,’ we need to be very careful. Many corporations have caught onto the fact that more and more consumers...