Tag: blackstrap molasses

12 Ways to Use Blackstrap Molasses Daily

We spend a lot of time bashing sugar here at The Alternative Daily. Along with trans fats and factory-farmed meat, it’s basically enemy number...

8 Ailments Blackstrap Molasses Can Treat

When you hear the word “molasses,” what comes to mind? Maybe you immediately picture the slowly-moving, syrupy-sweet brown liquid. Maybe you think of holiday...

What You Can Do To End The Refined Sugar Madness

We’re a society that is running on sugar — and it seems to be in everything these days. From tomato sauce to fat-free yogurt,...

Sharpen Your Brain and 8 Other Reasons to Use Blackstrap Molasses

We all know that sugar is bad for you — in fact, it can be downright dangerous. Artificial sweeteners, once thought of as the...

Go Ahead: Drink Your Greens

While drinking greens may seem a bit of an odd practice, it is actually an efficient and effective way to supercharge your diet with...