Tag: aloe vera

7 Ways To Treat Anal Fissures Naturally

A painful bowel movement accompanied by blood in the toilet bowl can be frightening, but it’s not uncommon. Especially if you’re frequently constipated and...

9 Indoor Plants That Will Improve Your Home’s Air Quality

When NASA first published its “Clean Air Study” in 1989, it recommended the use of several indoor plants to remove toxic agents from the...

Why You Might Want to Put This Cooking Oil on Your...

Why does it always seem to happen at the worst times? In line at the grocery store, during a presentation for work or even...

Stop This Fungal Infection Down Under In It’s Tracks …Naturally

Commonly known as jock itch or crotch itch,  especially among men and athletes, Tinea cruris is a fungal condition that causes itching and burning...

5 Natural Remedies To Treat Rosacea

Rosacea is a condition that results in enlarged, inflamed blood vessels particularly on the face. It’s a frustrating and sometimes painful health problem that...

10 Natural Remedies Mentioned In The Bible

The original accounts in the Bible were not generally written, but rather told repeatedly — handed down generation after generation — before eventually being...

5 Ancient Remedies That Strengthen Your Whole Body

Ancient civilizations did not have to worry about GMOs, pesticides and modern day illnesses. They did, however, suffer from the same immune-suppressing ailments that...

Egg Whites And Other Strange Personal Lubricants That Work

Let’s talk lube. When it comes to sex, sometimes we all need a little help to get things moving, so to speak. But, if...

100% Non-Toxic Hand Sanitizer That Knocks Germs Out

Some over-the-counter non-alcohol based hand sanitizers may contain an antibiotic compound called triclosan. Recent studies have raised many questions about triclosan being harmful to...

7 Natural Remedies For Chapped Lips And What Not to Do

Cold winters bring comfy sweaters, hot chocolate and cozying up in front of a warm fire. Unfortunately, with that may also come chapped, dry...