Study Shows Antibiotics Ineffective for Most Coughs

Antibiotics Ineffective for Most Coughs

With the cough and flu season upon us, the results from a recent research study published in the December 19 issue of the British medical journal Lancet of Infectious Diseases is extremely timely. In the study, researchers examined the effectiveness of amoxicillin with coughs, which is the most commonly prescribed medication for upper respiratory infections.

Antibiotics Ineffective for Most CoughsMost Antibiotics Ineffective for Coughs

Often, patients coming in with coughs are diagnosed with bronchitis and prescribed antibiotics. However, in this study from Switzerland, researchers found that amoxicillin, which is the most commonly prescribed antibiotic for coughs, was no more effective than a placebo. In fact, amoxicillin did not relieve symptoms, nor did it decrease the duration of the cough for patients.

According to Dr. Phillip Schuetz of the Kantonsspital Aarau in Switzerland, “antibiotics are not necessary for respiratory infections if pneumonia is not suspected.” Many coughs are viral in nature, meaning that antibiotics will not help resolve the health problem since antibiotics do not stop viral infections.

Effect of Antibiotics on Immune System

Many of the side effects of taking antibiotics can cause problems for patients. Most prescribed antibiotics are broad spectrum, so they kill a wide range of needed organisms in the intestinal system. Often, the result is that taking antibiotics can result in gastric distress, including diarrhea and cramping. Additionally, women may find they also are more likely to get a vaginal yeast infection during or soon after taking prescribed antibiotics.

Frequent use of antibiotics, regardless of what type, can negatively impact gut health. Health bacteria are necessary for optimal intestinal health. However, maintaining healthy gut bacteria is also necessary to maintain a health immune system. You can improve gut health by eating probiotic foods, such as yogurt and kefir or other foods that contain live cultures. Other probiotic foods include fermented foods such as miso, sauerkraut and kim chi.

If you develop a cough this year, chances are that you will not need antibiotics unless you are at risk for also developing pneumonia. Frequent use of antibiotics can actually damage your health and make it harder for your immune system to protect you.

Do you go to the doctor when you get a cough? What measures do you take to keep yourself healthy during this time of year?

– The Alternative Daily

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