Stilling Your Mind Can Also Reduce Heart-related Diseases

Stilling Your Mind Can Also Reduce Heart-related Diseases

Are you ever thinking so hard, juggling so many mental balls, that you wonder how your internal communication system keeps from exploding? We live in a culture where stress has violated even what was once the quietest part of our lives, our sleep. We move around like supercharged ants full of anger, anxiety and tension, all in an effort to be productive. However, this behavior is incredibly counterproductive to productivity and detrimental to our health.

According to the American Heart Association, patients with heart disease who experience anxiety have twice the risk of dying from any condition versus those who do not have stress. Anxiety plus depression triple this risk. However, it is not just people with prior heart conditions who are at risk, anyone who is under undue stress or anxiety is likely to suffer negative health consequences.

Meditation Works

The ancient practice of mental relaxation is one well worth considering in this day and age. We have so much activity in our minds that our bodies can not handle it all. Mental toxicity brought about by stress and emotions such as anger and negativity eats away at us until we develop physical symptoms such as heart disease, depression, panic attacks and high blood pressure. However, regularly practicing meditation may be the lifesaver we need. Just a few minutes each day of meditation and
quiet reflection is enough to restore the balance overturned by our internal hyperactivity.

Stilling Your Mind Can Also Reduce Heart-related DiseasesEasy Meditation Technique

Find a quiet and comfortable place alone, where you will not be bothered. Close your eyes and mouth and breathe intentionally through your nose. Focus your attention inward, away from the outside chaos. Once you are aware of the stillness within you can focus breathing from your diaphragm instead of your lungs. Keep your focus on slow and rhythmic breathing and away from any thoughts, past, present or future. Find the stillness inside of you, it is there. If this is difficult, try repeating the sound “om,” and focusing on your breathing. Take 15 minutes daily to practice this life saving technique. The more you practice quieting your mind, the better you will be at calming your internal storm and your heart will thank you.

-The Alternative Daily


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