Salba: The Superseed You May Have Never Heard About

For thousands of years, Salba has been used both medicinally and as a superfood in the Amazon basin and Peru. Valued on the same continuum as gold to some, these seeds have only recently gained the attention they deserve in our country. Alternative medical experts and nutritionists did not pay much attention to this superseed until the 1990’s.

Salba (Salvia hispanica L.) belongs to the mint family and is an heirloom form of the Chia seed.  However, it has a more complete nutritional profile than the Chia. It has lovely white flowers atop tall thin stalks with green leaves. The seeds are about the same size as a sesame seed and brownish grey in color with a light, nutty taste.

The Nutritional Profile

There is no doubt that omega-3’s are valuable and essential to human health. The American Heart Association tells us that they help regulate cholesterol, lower blood pressure, protect the heart from disease and keep the cardiovascular system functioning at top speed.

With that said, the good news is that Salba is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, it is one of the richest sources of omega-3 on our planet. These little seeds have 8 times more omega-3 fatty acids, ounce per ounce, than Atlantic salmon. They also contain more fiber than flaxseed and more protein than soy.

Getting a decent amount of fiber each day is difficult for many people, but is necessary for proper digestive health. The nutritional wonders of this food don’t stop here. Research has uncovered that Salba seed contains more calcium than whole milk and more antioxidant power than a bowl of fresh blueberries.

Another amazing nutritional benefit of the Salba seed is that it has 15 times more magnesium than broccoli; this is good news for your heart and arteries.

More Benefits of Salba Seeds

salbaSalba is an excellent source of vitamins A, B6, B3, C and thiamin along with 20 minerals and trace elements. It is a gluten-free food, non-allergenic and non-GMO.

In one study, people with fluctuating blood sugar levels experienced dramatic improvement when they consumed Salba seeds. The same people reported that they had more energy and better circulation.

Because of the rich fiber in these tiny seeds, you will feel full longer, which is good news for those trying to lose some weight.

Using Salba Seeds

Salba seeds have a pretty neutral – not an overpowering – taste. They will take on the flavor of anything that they are mixed with. Many people like to mix the seeds in their breakfast oatmeal, smoothies or yogurt. Some enjoy the seeds mixed in salads or soups.

There is no limit to the number of ways that you can enjoy this nutritionally dense superseed.

-The Alternative Daily

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