Rejuvenate Yourself With Salt Therapy

Rejuvenate Yourself With Salt Therapy

Salt Therapy has recently become popular in the U.S. due to the anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of dry sodium chloride aerosol. The benefits of a salt mine are endless and this natural solution provides a healing environment for even the most allergy prone person. But just what exactly is this natural way to treat health conditions?

Rejuvenate Yourself With Salt Therapy
Although working in a salt mine is dangerous in itself, salt mine workers rarely suffer from colds and respiratory infections while working day after day in the caves. The salt aerosol that the workers inhale keeps them living long, healthy lives. The dry sodium chloride aerosol also treats ear infections and specific skin diseases.

The benefits of salt therapy include the fact that this solution is non-invasive, drug-free and chemical free. Unrefined rock salts contain magnesium, manganese, calcium and sulfates. Together, these concentrates work as therapeutics because no other air pollutants or humidity can get into the mines. This therapy is beneficial to people of all ages and can significantly help to improve lung function, reduce bronchial inflammation, clear pollens and toxins from nasal tracts, and reduce symptoms of allergies, asthma, acne and eczema.

With the discovery of the Halogenerator, a special machine created to reproduce this environment, people who suffer from respiratory illnesses and lung and skin conditions can now be treated in a relaxing and therapeutic room. Patients who inhale this salt deeply into their lungs can naturally treat their conditions in a simple way.

Salt found within the Dead Sea is also known for its healing powers. The concentration of salt in the Dead Sea is 10 times that of any ocean, which makes it very beneficial and great for treating ailments. The elements that compose salt are the exact elements that we need in our body on a daily basis, but they often get lost as we go throughout our daily activities. Combined with clean air and an extremely warm climate, the Dead Sea is an ideal healing location.

Containing 21 minerals, including magnesium, calcium, sulfur, bromide and iodine, Dead Sea Salts offer an endless amount of healing properties. Not only is it great for the skin, bones and teeth, but it also acts as a natural disinfectant and promotes the correct functioning of the thyroid gland, aiding the body’s metabolic exchanges.

Next time you are feeling a bit under the weather, rejuvenate yourself with the unique characteristics of salt and help to improve your lifestyle.

– The Alternative Daily

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