Rejuvenate Your Hair and Skin with Jojoba Oil

Jojoba is a woody, evergreen, perennial shrub that is native to semiarid regions of southern Arizona, southern California and northwestern Mexico. It is cultivated to provide a renewable source of high-quality, unique oil.

Native Americans used the oil from the seeds to treat sores and wounds. In the early 1970s, jojoba was domesticated, and collection and processing of the seeds began. When importation of sperm whale products was banned in 1971, it was discovered that jojoba was a superior oil that was highly useful in cosmetics and other industries.

This plant’s amazing ability to withstand harsh desert conditions makes the southwestern United States a perfect place for cultivation. Presently, over 40,000 acres are grown in this area, where other things will not survive. Thousands of tons of jojoba oil are produced annually in the United States.

The seed of this hardy plant contains a light-colored liquid wax ester, which is the main storage lipid of the plant. Also called jojoba wax, the oil makes up about half of the seed’s dry weight, and has remarkably similar properties to those of of human skin.

This highly versatile oil is sold to make over 300 hair and skin products. Recently, the fact that the oil can be used as a high temperature, high pressure lubricant has made it more attractive to both the electronics and computer industries.

Here are 5 ways to put jojoba oil to work for you:

Reduce oily skin and unclog pores

Surprisingly, jojoba oil can “trick” your face into making less oil, which can reduce that shiny glow you may have. In addition, when the oil penetrates the pores, it combines with hardened sebum plugs (the clog) and dissolves it, thus unclogging the pore. Stick with the oil for a couple of weeks, applying daily, for best results. Some people report that their skin condition worsens before it gets better, but with patience results will be seen.

Makeup remover

Commercial makeup removers are often loaded with chemicals that end up drying out your skin. All you really need to remove your makeup is a few drops of jojoba oil on a clean cotton ball. Gently wipe the cotton ball over your face and eyes and rinse with tepid water. Your face will feel clean and moisturized.

Hair growth

If you suffer from unhealthy hair and wish for long and flowing locks, jojoba oil can help you achieve your dreams. The root of hair growth rests in the health of your scalp. The sebaceous glands in the scalp secrete sebum oil that keeps the hair follicles active and promotes hair growth. If we have a deficiency in the production of sebum, the scalp becomes dry and the hair dull.

This results in split ends and hair loss. Jojoba oil will naturally keep the scalp moist and encourage hair growth. Jojoba also keeps the scalp clean and removes anything that might block the production of sebum.

Hair growth may also get stunted by a bacterial or fungal infection on the scalp. Jojoba oil can fight against infections, and massaging jojoba into the scalp will improve circulation of the scalp and help make it as healthy as possible. There are several ways to use jojoba on your hair.

You can mix it with some coconut oil, warm it up and use it as a hot oil treatment, or you can use jojoba as a conditioner or mix it with your regular conditioner and rub it on your split ends for rejuvenated hair.

jojobaReduce wrinkles

Jojoba will not only hydrate your skin, but also make it firm while decreasing the look of wrinkles. The vitamin E in jojoba is highly effective at destroying the free radicals that cause aging. Using jojoba on a regular basis can help minimize fine lines on your face by up to 25 percent. Use the oil directly on the skin for the most effective results. The linoleic acid and antioxidants in jojoba oil will also help your skin regenerate.

Ease inflammation

Jojoba has potent antibacterial qualities that can help ease swelling and reduce skin bacteria. If you suffer from eczema or psoriasis, jojoba can bring much relief. It can also promote wound healing and combat bacterial infections, as well as sunburn, blisters and warts. Inflammation and redness that come with injury are also minimized with jojoba oil. Apply the oil to your lips to keep them chap free.

-The Alternative Daily

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