WATCH: 5 Ways To Enjoy A Tech Sabbatical (#3 Is Key To Health)

Have you been working too hard at work, constantly connected to technology? If so, it might be high time for a little tech sabbatical.

Unplugging from work and technology

There is a white house on a hill near a creek in Northern California. I have been visiting the place since I was a little girl. There is electricity, but it only powers the lights. Plugging in more than one kitchen appliance at a time kills the power. There is no television, no computers and no internet. There is no heat. A wood-burning stove warms the house. Board games line the cabinets. Books pile up on tables and in corners.

When I was a child, the days at Hardy Creek would stretch on forever. The first few days were always strange. What were we supposed to do? We didn’t ask the question for very long. There were five of us and we became a pack of wild, adventurous playmates. We would wade in the creek, daring the water to splash into our rubber boots. We would cut through the foliage of dead leaves and brambles in the forest, making tiny paths for tiny feet. We caught snakes. We read books. At night, we drank hot cocoa and played epic board games with our parents.

Take a tech sabbatical to appreciate the little things

Not much has changed. If anything, we all need a tech holiday more today than we ever did when we were younger. Unplugging from the internet, especially, is a rare joy. I don’t tell people I’m going on vacation. They would still expect answers and emails. When you tell people you’re going on a tech sabbatical and will be completely out of touch for a week, their expectations shift accordingly.  

My older brother and I both have kids now. They are too little to play alone, so this year we forged a tiny path for tiny feet, and led them through the forest to the beach. We built a bridge over the creek. Our feet got wet in the cold, and we dried them off by the fire when we got home. I didn’t look at my phone once. We could all use a tech sabbatical every now and then. Here are five reasons to treat yourself.

— Erin Wildermuth

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