Practice These 5 Yoga Poses For Amazing Sex

5. Pigeon pose for relaxation
To begin this pose, bring your left shin up to the top of the mat. Your left heel should be resting close to your groin. Draw the right leg out in a straight line behind your body. Keeping your hips as level as possible, slowly lower your weight onto your forearms until your head rests in their cradle. Hold this pose for up to ten breaths before repeating it on the other side.

Pigeon pose opens the hips and releases tension. Stress can kill your sex drive, so poses like this one that not only open the lower part of the body but also help ground you, can be very beneficial. With your body folded over your front leg, you learn how to pay attention to your breath, thereby improving your overall mindfulness. The practice also improves your ability to focus on yourself and your partner during intercourse.

Whether you practice these poses solo or with your partner, they’re guaranteed to get you in the mood. What’s your favorite sexy yoga pose?

— Megan Winkler

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