Podcast Episode #34: How To Scratch Your Entrepreneurial Itch

On today’s podcast, we talk about what it takes to create an online presence for yourself, a blog, your business etc. Jake and Megan discuss some of the hurdles that entrepreneurs face when starting a new venture, as well as ways to overcome them to keep yourself headed down the right path.

Jake discusses some of his past experiences in starting The Alternative Daily to provide some first hand insight into what some of the best practices are to get out of the idea phase and make it real. For more information on how, and why Jake started The Alternative Daily, check out this article!

Megan, who helps manage our Instagram account (@thealternativedaily), shares her take on the big role that social media plays in the marketing and branding of a company. Is there one right social platform to be on? Or should you be on all of them?

What is the first step in starting your own business? Do you need a lot of money to get going? Should you partner with somebody who has money? How do you deal with the fear of failing? Jake answers all of these questions along with a few more from the Facebook Live audience.


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