Podcast Episode #19: A Practical Discussion on Guns, Why Tilapia Is the WORST Fish Ever

After reviewing the results of the Official Alternative Daily Presidential Poll, it’s clear that our readers are interested in News, Current Events and even Politics.

One of the questions that was split right down the middle was the issue of gun control. So we took on the uncomfortable task of tackling this polarizing discussion. This is a very divisive issue facing the American public, but a topic that needs to be approached respectfully with the hopes of making progress while preserving individual rights.

Joining us for this discussion is content director for The Alternative Daily, Susan Patterson, and well-versed in international politics, Ralph Russo.

Megan, Jake, Ralph and Susan all have different perspectives on gun control or if there should be any gun control at all.

We invite you to approach this discussion with as much of an open mind as we did.

And we wrap it up with Ralph’s story of the WORST fish that you can eat. It’s so bad, that even Susan, who lives an incredibly sustainable life, instructed Ralph to throw it away.

All this and more…

The Alternative Daily Podcast
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