PlantPure Nation — Using Movies to Spread a Healthy Message to the Masses

All too often, movies are a means of spreading sensationalism and mixed messages to the public. Focusing primarily on sex, violence, and drug use, most modern-day films do far more damage than good.

This is why it is so refreshing to see that positive and important messages can be relayed through a film as well.

Using movies to spread a healthy message

A film was made in 2011 titled, Forks Over Knives. At the time of its release, it shocked viewers with information that revealed serious relationships between long-term health and dietary intake.

A new documentary is now taking over where Forks Over Knives left off. The new film, PlantPure Nation is a story of the journey three people take in pursuit of a science-based case to prove that plant-based diets lead to health benefits.

The film exposes the corporate lobbies used to keep a cycle of skepticism in place regarding plant-based diets while supporting egg, beef, and dairy industries.

The documentary comes at a time when the U.S. is seeing spending of over three trillion dollars on health care each year. It raises the question, wouldn’t it be better to help people make healthier choices? Particularly when, as these movies have shown, nutrition plays a huge role in long-term health.

A father and son team spreading the message

The film PlantPure Nation was directed by Nelson Campbell and largely features his father Dr. T. Colin Campbell, a noted biochemist and co-author of The China Study.

The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted And The Startling Implications For Diet, Weight Loss, And Long-Term Health made huge reveals about the link between health and diet. The China Study revealed claims that men should avoid eating meat to prevent prostate cancer, and women should avoid cow’s milk and dairy to stave off breast cancer.

In their film, PlantPure Nation, viewers witness firsthand the efforts to introduce into Kentucky legislature a pilot program that promotes the benefits of a plant-based diet. Kentucky has one of the highest childhood obesity levels in the U.S.

Of course, the idea of a pilot program is stalled in the legislative process

picNot surprisingly, the film shows that the bill is eventually watered down and fails to be passed after an intense committee debate. At which time, the Campbells bring the concept of the pilot program back to their hometown in North Carolina.

Once back in Mebane, North Carolina, the Campbells gather a participation group from the residents of the area, including a couple that operates a cattle farm. The group takes part in a “Jumpstart” program lasting ten days.

The program required participants to eat freshly prepared plant-based meals and undergo biometric testing. The findings were amazing.

Simple grassroots movement solutions to real life issues

PlantPure Nation presents a very convincing argument for how easily health conditions can be improved, reversed, and in some cases prevented by simple dietary solutions.

The movie is just a portion of a grassroots movement to inspire the public to consider making healthier choices about their diets. 

There is a large body of scientific evidence that explains how important diet choices are for long-term health. There is no better time than the present to start eating better and improving your health.

—The Alternative Daily




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