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Panic Attacks: The Signs, and How to Alleviate Them Naturally

If you’ve ever had a panic attack, you know how truly dreadful an experience it can be. While exact symptoms are different for everyone, they often include nausea, rapid heartbeat, sweating, shortness of breath and a feeling of absolute terror. Many people in the midst of a panic attack report feeling like they might actually die.

For some people, panic attacks are a part of generalized anxiety, which affects approximately 40 million people in the United States. However, panic attacks may occur in individuals who do not routinely experience anxiety, as well.

The attacks may be triggered by a certain stressor, such as a traumatic experience or an adverse reaction to a medication. Genetic factors may come into play, and sometimes, the cause remains unknown.

While prescription drugs are often prescribed to both treat anxiety and prevent panic attacks, these can often have nasty side effects, and it’s worth it to try natural options first before going this route. The following are a few to try to help prevent future panic attacks:

-The Alternative Daily


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