Meditate, Then Coffee

Good morning! Get rid of that Monday-morning feeling and perk up. Here are two fabulous things to add to your morning routine that will make your whole day run smoother. Who knew it was so easy!

Meditate first to clear your mind

Would you like to wake up in the morning with a calm mind? When your mind is calm, your thoughts are clearer, and your whole day goes more smoothly.

We recommend Kelee® meditation — it quiets your mind and clarifies your thoughts. People who do this practice say their day flows, rather than fizzles, when they take five minutes to meditate first thing in the morning.

Dr. Daniel Lee, clinical professor of UCSD Medical Center and School of Medicine says, “Once you wake up, the brain is turned on and the brain chatter begins.  Thoughts about what you need to do begin to circulate in your head, which immediately leads to feeling stressed.  Kelee meditation, when done in the morning, helps to calm the brain chatter down so that you can ease into your day slowly, rather than feeling like you have to do 10 things before 9AM.”

Once your thoughts are calm, coffee can help the flow and wake the body

Dr. Wang, OMD, who practices acupuncture in San Diego, comments on the benefits of a morning cup of coffee, he says, “Coffee has a stimulant effect. It has a positive effect on the Yang meridians. Which means the energy will go upwards. In small amounts it makes you more alert and causes circulation in the blood, getting rid of stagnation.” Dr. Wang continues, “Acupuncture Meridians are the Channels or Pathways that carry ‘chi, blood, and fluids around the body. They are the communication signal lines among superficial skin, deeper tissues, and organ systems, which are invisible and yet closely related to nervous system. All the Chinese ‘Chi kung ( exercise of ‘Chi ), Martial Art, Meditation are using Meridians in the practice in general.”

Acupuncture Meridians are the Channels or Pathways that carry ‘chi, blood, and fluids around the body. They are the communication signal lines among superficial skin, deeper tissues, and organ systems, which are invisible and yet closely related to nervous system. All the Chinese ‘Chi kung ( exercise of ‘Chi ), Martial Art, Meditation are using Meridians in the practice in general.

In addition to getting proper blood flow, drinking coffee every morning is considered to be part of a healthy diet. In 2015, the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) added coffee to their recommended U.S. Dietary Guidelines. The DGAC did so in part because scientific research shows coffee is not only good for you, but it prevents certain diseases, too. 

The DGAC report suggests that drinking three to five cups of coffee a day has been shown to decrease the risk of developing endometrial cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Also, there is ongoing research to show the effects of coffee on other types of cancer and diseases. 

We recommend buying organic, fair-trade coffee grown in the shade

Organic coffee is not sprayed with herbicides, pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers, so it is better for you and for the environment. When you choose conventional coffee, you choose chemical residue in your coffee cup!

Coffee trees naturally prefer the shade. In addition, shade-grown coffee preserves the natural environment. We give a two thumbs up to shade-grown coffee.

Buy fair-trade coffee

Buying fair-trade coffee helps the people of coffee-growing regions. It ensures the use of fair trade, meaning fair wages to people harvesting the coffee from the land. Isn’t it good to be fair?

Say no to creamer in your coffee

The USDA Dietary Guidelines also recommend reducing the amount of “added sugars and high-fat dairy and dairy substitutes” we put in our coffee, and we agree. Coffee creamer has a whole list of “bad” ingredients. Even if you just add dairy, keep it simple and organic, as calories can add up too — especially if you’re drinking the 3–5 recommended daily cups of coffee for health benefits.

Use honey, instead of sugar or artificial sweeteners

If you like to put something sweet in your cup of coffee, what should you add to make it just right? You can use honey to sweeten your coffee, instead of sugar or other artificial sweeteners. Honey is natural, healthy, and tasty, too. Raw honey has many health benefits, so we say, honey in your morning coffee, absolutely!

Five quick tips for a better brew:

  • Quality, purified water makes better tasting coffee.
  • Organic and fair-trade is healthier and fair.
  • Keep coffee in the dark. It degrades in sunlight.
  • Don’t keep it cooking — turn off heating elements.
  • Clean your coffeepot. Or you may get yesterday’s brew. 

So get up in the morning and do your five-minute Kelee meditation practice to clear your mind for the day. Then wake up your body with a cup of organic, fair-trade, shade-grown coffee. You will have a clear mind, a healthier body, a smoother day, and energy to boot! 

—Nikki Walsh

Nikki Walsh is a freelance writer and mom of two kids living in Southern California. She holds an MBA in marketing from University of California, Irvine and a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from UCSD. She has been practicing Kelee meditation for 19 years. When she is not writing she can be found out and about having fun with her kids.

©2016 printed with permission of the Kelee® Foundation 



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