Is That Arsenic Hiding in Your Chicken and Rice?

In recent media reports, the use of arsenic in chicken feed and rice fields was revealed. This little tidbit of information may make you think twice about what you are cooking for your family.

Arsenic in Poultry Factory Farm Feed

For many people who are trying to eat a healthier diet and avoid red meat, a dinner of chicken breasts seems like a better alternative than a burger or steak. However, recent tests of chicken feed at large poultry farms has revealed that chickens are fed lots of feed ingredients to boost their eating habits and to make their flesh look pretty and appealing to consumers.

Arsenic is commonly used to reduce infections. It also makes the flesh look pink and appealing in the grocery store. Symptoms of arsenic consumption include stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, numbness in the feet and hands, vision problems, partial paralysis. Arsenic has also been linked to cancer.

Other Foods High in Arsenic

Rice has also been found to be high in arsenic levels, according to an NPR report. Since arsenic was used as a pesticide in cotton fields in the past, it polluted soil and water sources in regions that now produce rice. Both brown and white rice are affected and although the levels are not alarmingly high, the presence of arsenic should be a concern if you eat rice often.

Even if you want to eat a healthier version of your favorite chicken and rice dish, your choices are limited. You can buy organically grown chicken, which will not have arsenic in it. However, even organically grown rice contains arsenic. Instead of rice, try another grain, such as quinoa or couscous. It’s not quite the same as the chicken and rice you grew up with, but it might be a healthier alternative.

– The Alternative Daily

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