Is Hidden Sugar the Culprit?

If you’ve read the papers or watched the news at all in the past several months, you probably have heard the alarms sounding about the dangers of eating foods high in sugar content. Keep in mind that sugar is not limited to cane sugar, but also includes high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in many processed foods. While the sugar industry is trying hard to defend themselves, researchers are mounting up evidence that processed foods, in general, are simply bad for us.

Hidden Sugars – Hidden Dangers

According to University of San Francisco medical researcher, Dr. Robert Lustig, the massive amounts of sugar found in processed foods are the crux of the increased numbers of health problems many Americans are facing today. Dr. Lustig blames processed foods which contain HFCS and cane sugar contribute to metabolic syndrome, which includes high blood pressure, high blood sugar and decreased sensitivity to insulin. Metabolic syndrome may increase the risk of stroke or heart attack by more than double. The frightening thing is that approximately one-quarter of Americans already have metabolic syndrome, even if they appear entirely healthy and fit.

HFCS is found in more than one-third of the foods sold in most grocery stores. In fact, corn products in some form are found in almost all processed foods, with HFCS being the most prevalent. Hidden sugars can be found in condiments, baby formula, cereal, sauces and many other items that do not initially taste sweet at all.

The real solution is to avoid eating processed foods at all and to begin weaning yourself and your family off of foods that contain hidden sugars. Instead, eat a diet of organic whole foods that includes green leafy vegetables, brightly colored fruits and whole grains. The sooner you put processed foods behind you, the better you and your family will feel and the healthier you and they will be.

– The Alternative Daily

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