8 Signs That You Have A Leaky Gut And How To Fix It

1. Chronic fatigueDon’t worry, if you’re tired all the time, it may not necessarily be leaky gut syndrome. On the other hand, if you’re always tired, there is a reason and you should dig a little deeper to find out why. When you experience increased inflammation, compounds known as cytokines increase, which is directly linked to fatigue.

More specifically, for those who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, you need to address your gut health based on a recent study published in Microbiome. For the first time, researchers have now identified biological markers of this condition in the gut bacteria, as well as inflammatory agents in the blood.

Researchers concluded that the gut bacterial microbiome in chronic fatigue syndrome patients is abnormal. They also discovered that bacteria in the blood triggers an immune response and specific markers of inflammation are likely due to a leaky gut.

Related: Is Your Leaky Gut Causing Chronic Fatigue?

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