How Exercise Can Build Up Motivation

How Exercise Can Build Up Motivation

Do you ever feel sluggish or incapable of doing anything that needs to be done? You may call this lazy, but it’s simply a lack of motivation. The quickest cure for the lazies is shifting your energy by moving around. In essence, we call this…exercise.

Fitness does not have to be punishing, painful or boring. It fact, approaching exercise in this way can lead to burn out, where you give up and never get results. Most people believe in the old-fashioned, “no pain, no gain” theory, but this mindset can be dangerous. Working out to the point of exhaustion or pushing yourself beyond what you’re physically capable of doing can lead to injury.

Exercise is simply the art of moving around, moving your body and shifting the energy within you. When you feel unmotivated or tired, it’s usually because you’ve been sedentary all day. Your inner energy – the way you feel – is stagnant and needs to be rejuvenated. Moving your body can give you a quick burst of energy that helps you to feel motivated, excited and good overall.

Whatever you do to move your body, make sure you enjoy it. If it’s not fun, if it’s not enjoyable you won’t do it long-term. And in this case, you want to incorporate fitness as a lifestyle, not just something you do this week. Think about activities you’ve enjoyed doing in the past – whether it was dancing, stretching, cycling, walking, or swimming – and begin doing it in small quantities every day.

If you don’t know what types of exercises you enjoy, experiment. Have fun discovering what you’re good at, what you find exciting. It may be an adult sports’ team, a game of tennis or hula-hooping. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as you do it a few times each week and stick with it. Moving around through exercise is going to help you create the kind of motivation you need to get things done – and done well.

Find your favorite activity today and say goodbye to lazy, unmotivated days. You will love knowing you can access energy any time you want – and have fun doing it.

– Katie Humphrey

As a keynote speaker, empowerment coach, author and spokesperson, Katie Humphrey inspires women to feel fit, confident and motivated. Her dynamic Revolution of YOU brand helps overwhelmed and stressed out women confidently reach their goals.

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