How Do You Want to Die: Painfully or Like a Whisper?

If you are not suffering from one of the top three killers, diabetes, cancer or heart disease, chances are someone you love is. Half of all people in America will die from heart disease or diabetes, and a third will perish from cancer.

With these heartbreaking statistics, it is no wonder that we “expect” to die from something. In fact, we agonize over just what will steal our last breath. This anxiety alone is enough to send us into a state of ill health.

Why is it that we forget that death is natural? From the time we are born, the body begins a natural journey towards death. As some say, like taxes, death is inevitable. However, what we need to understand is that we can, and are designed to, die just because we have reached the end of our life.

Everyone has the right to live a healthy life, and a right to have a healthy journey towards death. However, this is a right that we rarely claim because we feel it is not ours to claim. For some reason, we feel that is more “normal” to die sick than die well. These feelings are fueled by a symptom-based health care system and a drug industry gone wild. After all, who would buy all of the drugs if everyone was well?

Claiming What is Ours

Death may come like a whisper, gently shutting our eyes, or it may come like a slow poison, debilitating us from the inside out. Why is it that so few Americans die like a whisper but rather, suffer intensely for years, dying far before their time?

We have made much of the top three killers in America, and rightly so, we are scared. We spend millions of dollars on research, high-priced pharmaceuticals and advanced surgical procedures in an effort to delay death and conquer what we believe is inevitable – sickness and disease.

Claiming a long and healthy life starts with an understanding that we, often unconsciously, choose the poison sting of death, foregoing the whisper, by making poor dietary choices. Surely, you ask, it is not that easy?

old man and appleEat the right foods and live a healthy life – we make it all too complicated because we have not claimed the health that is rightfully ours. Cancer, heart disease and diabetes are all linked to diet. In fact, eight out of the top ten causes of death are associated with diet.
Consuming the right foods in the right balance leads to a high quality of life and a whisper at death.

Conversely, eating dead foods is liken to the poison that creates a state of chaos, often unseen inside our bodies. It may stir around for years and zap our life in an instant, or bring debilitating symptoms and pain that compromise our lives and steals precious years.

If we don’t drink excessively or smoke, one choice alone makes a difference to both the kind of life and the kind of death we experience – what we eat! ( 1988 Surgeon General’s Report on Health and Nutrition)

To make the most of your life and die a gentle and natural death, choose whole foods, unprocessed and as close to nature as possible. It is that simple, really.

-The Alternative Daily

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