Getting the Winter Doldrums? How About a Negative Fast!

Getting the Winter Doldrums? How About a Negative Fast!

You’ve probably heard the saying, “You are what you eat,” meaning your diet dictates how you look and feel. But what about the words you speak? Is there any possible way that the words you’re constantly saying don’t affect your health whatsoever?

Getting the Winter Doldrums? How About a Negative Fast!In my experience with clients, the words they speak about themselves and the state and their lives has a more powerful impact on their health than the foods they put into their bodies. And interestingly enough, the things you’re saying over and over can usually impact your food choices and portion sizes.

You may try to eat everything that’s healthy (or intend to anyway), but if you’re constantly putting yourself down and bashing your own body and appearance, it will be pretty difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Saying things like, “Ugh, I’m so fat!” or “I can’t stand the way I look!” can create self-esteem issues and decrease motivation.

Begin to notice what you say over and over. If you’re unsure, ask family members and close friends whether or not you negatively speak about your body. What you say is a direct reflection of the thoughts you’re thinking. Your thoughts and words affect the way you feel. If you’re always commenting on how big your hips are or how out of control you are with food, this is part of your beliefs about your body, health and ability to improve your lifestyle.

If your beliefs are negative, so will your attitude be. Your attitude and the way you feel every day can determine your behavior. If you’re trying to make better, healthier food and exercise choices, but your negative attitude holds you back, it’s time to make a change. You can have the deepest desire to lose weight and get control of your health, but until you gain control of your attitude, your efforts will be futile.

You are the words you speak, and they can have a profound effect on the foods you put into your body. If you’re looking to change habits and improve your behavior, start with going on a negative fast. Refrain from complaining about your body or appearance, or, frankly, anything else you don’t like about yourself.

Focus on what you do like about yourself and speak only about the positive things you’re doing to reach your health goals. You want to eat healthier and cut out the sugary junk foods? Do what a friend of mine who recently attended my live workshop does. Instead of saying, “I just can’t seem to stop eating sweets. I have such a sweet tooth!” start repeating, “I prefer salad and vegetables over sugar and junk any day.” She believes what she says and has made healthier food (and exercise) choices as a result.

Make a conscious choice to change your language when it comes to healthy habits and especially your body. Speak the positive truth into your life and only speak of what you want…and not what you don’t like about yourself.

This is the beginning to changing your attitude, your actions and the results you’re getting. Don’t let another day go by where you try to get quick results without changing your attitude and self-talk. You’ll always go back to what you say and believe. Remember, you are what you speak so speak the powerful, positive truth.

– Katie Humphrey

As a keynote speaker, empowerment coach, author and spokesperson, Katie Humphrey inspires women to feel fit, confident and motivated. Her dynamic Revolution of YOU brand helps overwhelmed and stressed out women confidently reach their goals.

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