Gerson Therapy: Healing People the Alternative & Organic Way

Gerson Therapy: Healing People the Alternative & Organic Way

The Gerson Institute is a natural treatment center in San Diego. It was started in 1977 by Charlotte Gerson, who is the daughter of Dr. Max Gerson. In the 1920s, Dr. Gerson discovered that the body can cure itself of many diseases if it is given the nutritional support to naturally rid itself of many body toxins.

Gerson Therapy: Healing People the Alternative & Organic WayOrganic Support for the Body

Dr. Gerson found that humans have the natural ability to heal many conditions that have been deemed “incurable” or “degenerative.” He discovered that by eating an organic, vegetarian diet, rich in raw juices, using natural supplements and using coffee enemas, the body could reverse the effects of body toxicity and nutritional deficiency.

Dr. Gerson’s approach is holistic. At the Gerson Institute, patients are treated by addressing their entire health, rather than focusing on the symptoms of one ailment. Thousands of people have found that Gerson Therapy has helped them recover from illnesses other doctors told them would lead to their death. Illnesses that have been successfully treated with Gerson Therapy include cancer, diabetes, arthritis, auto-immune system illnesses, heart disease and many others.

Gerson Therapy Treatment

The Gerson Institute does not operate treatment clinics. Instead, they provide certification for two health centers located in Mexico and Hungary. Gerson Therapy is largely administered at patients’ homes. They also provide training and licensing for clinicians who assist patients with local treatment. They also have a home treatment package, which includes books and DVDs to help people who want information about Gerson Therapy at home. Certified trainers can be hired to help with setting up home treatment and you can also attend a Basics Workshop to learn the foundational concepts of Gerson Therapy to use at home.

The foundations of Gerson Therapy are centered around ridding the body of harmful toxins to enable the natural healing process to begin. With Gerson Therapy, you drink large quantities of raw fruit and vegetable juice and eat meals rich in organic fruits and vegetables. Additionally, supplements such as vitamin B 12, potassium and pancreatic enzymes are taken, along with others. Detoxification is enhanced through the use of coffee enemas, which encourage releasing body toxins from the liver and kidneys.

Gerson Therapy has been proven helpful for thousands of people since Dr. Gerson first introduced it early in the 1920s. While it is not for patients who are currently undergoing chemotherapy, who have kidney damage or who have been on dialysis, it is a potentially valuable health approach for cancer patients who are undergoing other forms of treatment or who are in remission.

You can read more about the Gerson Institute at –

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– The Alternative Daily

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