Exercise, Cold and Flu: How to Know When to Workout

Exercise, Cold and Flu: How to Know When to Workout

Avid exercisers hate to miss that wonderful “runner’s high” as well as that boost of energy and overall healthy feeling that comes with working out, but there are unfortunately times when even the most dedicated should stay home at rest.

On the other end of the spectrum the sniffles or a runny nose can give some whose enthusiasm for exercise is beginning to wane an excuse to linger in bed, but that approach isn’t usually the best idea either; before you know it you’ll lose that great habit that you’ve developed and end up back where you started from.

How do you know when it is okay to exercise? This is a common question, especially during cold and flu season.

You’ve got a fever

If you have a fever of 101 degrees or higher, exercise will probably make you feel more miserable and it can also make you sicker. Battling the flu requires all of the strength of your immune system and with exercise causing your body’s heat to rise and making it difficult to cool down – causing your system to be out of balance.

When a fever gets too high, it can be dangerous, with symptoms exacerbated and prolonged; it can even be life-threatening. Never sweat out a fever with exercise – this is the time for bed rest. Nearly every doctor will tell you that if your symptoms are below the neck, such as fever, fatigue and body aches, your body needs rest and recovery.

Exercise, Cold and Flu: How to Know When to WorkoutYou have a cold

If you have cold symptoms such as a minor sore throat, nasal congestion, sneezing or watery eyes, moderate exercise is fine as long as you have normal energy levels. Drop your intensity a bit to allow your body the energy it needs to fight off illness symptoms.

Exercising might help you feel better by opening nasal passages and temporarily relieving nasal congestion as well. Just be sure to keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods, including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables which will help your body fight off the bug.

Sipping hot tea with a teaspoon or two of raw, unprocessed honey and fresh ginger will also go a long way in getting you back to 100 percent.

Do you still do your workout when you’re under the weather?

– The Alternative Daily

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