If You Don’t Feel Full After Eating, Just Wait 20 Minutes

Your stomach can hold, on average, 17 cups of foodstuffs. However, the feeling of being full does not come when that 17 cup limit has been reached but when your brain reacts to chemicals released when you eat or drink.

It takes about 20 minutes for these chemicals to register. After a meal, these chemicals stay elevated for about three to five hours which keeps you feeling full. Once the chemical levels drop you start to get hungry again. Your challenge today is to recognize when you are full. If you don’t feel full immediately after eating just wait a little while and the chemicals will kick in.

Because we eat so very fast most of the time we often overeat, not giving the brain enough time to register what is going on. Don’t be in a rush to finish your meal. Chewing slowly will also help with digestion.

Get in touch with your body and how it feels at different times. Pay attention to how your stomach feels when you are hungry versus what it feels like after you drink a glass of water. The empty stomach feeling will go away after you drink the water. As you are eating, listen to your body.

The empty feeling in your stomach should start to dissipate as you eat. Once you notice a full feeling – STOP eating, no matter how much food is left on your plate. You should feel energetic and light not heavy and uncomfortable after you eat. Take the time to sit and relax for a while before deciding if you really want to eat more.

Staying full

Drink a big glass of water about ten minutes before each meal. This will encourage your brain to think that you are full sooner. Focus on the taste of the food and thoughts of fueling your body, while you are eating.

TemptationOnce you feel full, remove the food from your plate. If you feel the need to continue eating, drink a nice cup of herbal tea. It is possible that you may feel food cravings that are mental not physical. Try not to eat again until you sense the empty feeling.

-The Alternative Daily

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