Doctors Criticize Fad, Quick Detox Diets, Say Cleanse the Natural and Healthy Way

Doctors Criticize Fad, Quick Detox Diets, Say Cleanse the Natural and Healthy Way

It’s spring time and summer is coming soon. With that in mind, many people start thinking about the upcoming summer and ways to get into beach-body shape. Detox and cleansing diets are popular methods of starting the process, but many doctors and nutritionists suggest that this type of diet is not healthy.

Natural Detoxification and Cleansing

There are many cleansing and detox diets that have been popular over the years. Popular approaches to clearing out the body and quickly losing weight include fasting, chelation therapy, colon cleanse supplements, eating specific foods exclusively – think the Grapefruit Diet, and funky concoctions made at home – think the Cayenne Pepper Drink Diet. Many dieticians and doctors criticize these types of diets because they often do not provide adequate nutrition and may include chemical and supplements that cause health damage, including liver and kidney problems.

A better approach is to supplement your diet with whole foods that will naturally cleanse your body without adding unnecessary and potentially harmful ingredients. Eating organic foods naturally high in fiber and antioxidants, such as green leafy vegetables, brightly colored fruits and whole grains will naturally help cleanse and detoxify your body. Additionally, including a natural cleanse and detox plan for your “spring cleaning” will help things along and should improve your overall health.

A healthy diet should be a lifelong process. Over and over, studies have shown that losing weight through dieting often results in gaining the lost weight back and a little more on top of it. Cleansing and detox should never be a substitute for eating a healthy diet. However, if you need a little help to get you started to a healthier relationship with food, then take the smart approach and forget the fad diets. Start eating organic whole foods and add a natural cleansing process.

– The Alternative Daily

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