How to Create a Beautiful and Healthy Meditative Garden

Looking to make the most of your outdoor space? A meditation garden is a great way to enjoy the cultivation of flowers, herbs, fruits (if you live in a warmer climate) and veggies, while gifting yourself with the perfect space to clear your mind and get back to the present moment.

The ancient Chinese art of feng shui (translating to water and wind) is based upon the uninhibited flow of qi, or vital energy, through a space. Significance is placed on the use of certain colors, shapes and the elements of earth, water, fire, wood and metal. The keys to qi flowing freely through your space, however, are harmony and balance.

Another important point is to arrange your garden in a way that is pleasing to you, and brings out your feelings of tranquility. A fountain of water drawing focus to the middle of your space is one way to both add the element of water, to attract birds and to make your garden beautiful. You may choose to arrange stones on the ground in a walkway to your fountain, and also leading to your plants.

If you wish to enjoy the tranquility of sitting meditation in your garden, you can, of course, sit on a soft spot on the ground, or you can add a seat to your favorite area of the garden where you can take in the smells and sounds as you relax your body and mind.

Meditation does not need to be performed cross-legged (unless you are strictly following a specific tradition); you can sit comfortably in any way you choose as long as you can keep your spine elongated, and can physically relax your body.

While the sounds of nature bring on a sense of harmony themselves, you may wish to add a wind chime if the sound of it brings you peace. This can be made of wood or metal—whichever element speaks to you for this purpose. The sound of a flowing fountain is also a very pleasing sound to many.

When choosing what to plant in your garden, select herbs, vegetables and flowers that make you happy, or that you enjoy eating. This way, you will enjoy tending to them, and this process, when performed mindfully, can be a meditative experience of its own. Selecting plants in a variety of colors that compliment each other can also bring balance to your garden.

If you do not have a space in your backyard for a garden, you can create a meditative and vegetation-filled space almost anywhere, even inside. You can cultivate your plants in containers and pots on a back porch, or in a designated room of your home.

gardenCreating an indoor meditative garden is absolutely possible with a little bit of creativity. You can add hanging vines, incense and even hanging crystals, if you wish, to accentuate the meditative purpose of the room.

Meditation can be performed anywhere, anytime—you do not need a specific space. However, if you are able, creating a “sacred space” for yourself to feel truly at peace may be one of the most rewarding projects you take on this year.

-The Alternative Daily

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