Complimentary Therapies May Help Improve Fertility

Going through fertility treatments can be stressful and exhausting. Women often report that they feel awfully temperamental overall, with raging hormones and the emotional upheaval of trying to have a baby when their body will not cooperate. However, more and more women are turning to alternative complimentary therapies to assist them in their quest to have a baby and more of them are finding success.

Reduce Your Stress, Improve Your Mind, Make a Baby

Studies have repeatedly shown that many alternative therapies reduce the amount of stress and anxiety that a person experiences. Women undergoing fertility treatments often report that their anxiety levels are through the roof and that the longer they undergo treatments, the higher their stress levels. Yoga, guided imagery and meditation are excellent ways to focus your breathing, still your mind and teach yourself to let go. In fact, many women report that participating in mind-body programs helps them become aware of the impact their emotions and thoughts have on their overall health, including hormone levels.

Herbs and nutritional supplements are also alternative complimentary therapies that appear to be effective when used with fertility treatments. Herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years to help women with reproductive health issues. Herbs can boost hormone levels, improve underlying health issues and help you feel better in general. Nutritional supplements can help boost your immune system and contribute to overall general health.

If you are trying to add a new baby to your family, consider investigating alternative complimentary treatments to traditional approaches. Even if you are not undergoing fertility treatments, you may find that you feel better overall by integrating some of these approaches into your lifestyle.

– The Alternative Daily

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