Reset Your Digestive Tract With This Zesty Colon Cleanse Drink

There are many symptoms of a toxic colon. They include skin rashes, vaginal infections, urinary tract infections, joint and muscle pain. Also included is fatigue, depression, anxiety, stomach pain, gas, constipation and indigestion. And the list goes on.

The colon serves important functions in our bodies. It helps keep our immune systems strong and aids digestion. If it is not working the way it should, toxic waste will be absorbed by our bodies. Yuck!

This colon cleanse drink will help regulate these issues and help the colon function properly. Mix it up and drink it every day for at least two weeks. Whenever the symptoms of a toxic colon reappear, make this drink again and repeat treatment. You can always add a little honey or some organic stevia if the taste is a little strong. This recipe is for one serving.

Colon Cleanse Drink Ingredients

Colon cleanse drink Feature Photo

  • 12 oz filtered water
  • 10 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 10 drops lemon essential oil
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (if it is too strong after the first try, just use 1/4 tsp)
  • 1 fresh squeezed organic lemon


  • Large mason jar


1. Gather all ingredients.

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2. Measure 12 ounces of filtered water into a large mason jar.

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3. Add the essential oils.

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4. Add the cayenne pepper.

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5. Squeeze the lemon into the jar.

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6. Stir well and drink right away. For best results, try this colon cleanse drink once a day for two weeks.

— Leilani Hampton

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