Chemical in Nail Polish Linked to Diabetes

Chemical in Nail Polish Linked to Diabetes

Be careful, ladies! The next time you are getting dolled up for your significant other, you may want to hold back on the few extra squirts of hairspray and that last spurt of perfume. Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital discovered that phthalates, chemicals that are commonly found in personal care products, have been associated with an increased risk of diabetes in women.

Chemical in Nail Polish Linked to Diabetes
Products including moisturizers, nail polishes, soaps, hair sprays and perfumes, as well as adhesives, electronics and toys have all been found to contain this harmful chemical. The study, conducted on 2,350 women, revealed that the women with higher levels of phthalates in their urine concentrations were more likely to have diabetes.

Women at greatest risk include those with the highest levels of the chemicals mono-benzyl phthalate and mono-isobutyl phthalate. In fact, these women had almost twice the risk of diabetes compared to those women with the lowest levels.

The sample of American women who were tested was controlled for socio-demographic, dietary and behavioral factors. Although the researchers admit that more studies are needed to fully confirm all of the evidence, they say that phthalates also exist in specific types of medical devices.

We all know that it is not possible to avoid these products all together. Lathering on the lotion and touching up your nails is that last step in the “getting ready” process. So what can you do? Try a few natural alternatives to these products. One of the easiest ways to do this is to make your own hair spray with water and lemon. Simmer lemons for an hour and add water as it evaporates. Let the liquid cool before straining into a pump spray bottle.

– The Alternative Daily

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