9 Reasons To Raise Backyard Chickens

Worldwide, more than 50 billion chickens are slaughtered each year and another 305 million hens are used for egg production. In fact, more chickens...

From Asshole To Meaningful Entrepreneur: How Tucker Max Went Inward For...

Tucker Max is no stranger to the typical “disclaimer” that most blogs, interviews, articles and podcasts give in their preamble. Tucker was one of...

Podcast Episode #34: How To Scratch Your Entrepreneurial Itch

On today's podcast, we talk about what it takes to create an online presence for yourself, a blog, your business etc. Jake and Megan...

Podcast Episode #33: He Had a Home-birth, The other Adopted his...

On Episode 33, Jake is joined by two special guests: Dr. Joshua Levitt, a naturopathic physician and the face of UpWellness; and Dr. Jeff...

Podcast Episode #32: Raw Food Pet Diets, Treating Marine Animal Eyes...

Dr. Carmen Colitz visited us at the Alternative Daily headquarters for a conversation all about animals. Dr. Colitz is a Veterinary Ophthalmologist. She runs a...

Podcast Episode #29: Kris Landers Spearfishes with Sharks, Photographs Massive Marine...

In this episode, I sit down with Kristofer Landers who is world-class in multiple aquatic fields. Kris is an experienced free diver who is...

Podcast Episode #28: Drinking Your Own Urine Healthy? The Top 5...

In Episode #28, we’re giving away a Berkey water filter! Stay tuned to find out how to get a chance to win! You definitely...