Babies Are Healthier in Homes with Dogs

Babies Are Healthier in Homes with Dogs

A dog may be a man’s best friend, but studies now show that they could be a baby’s best friend as well. New research reveals that babies in homes with this four-legged companion have fewer colds, fewer ear infections, and need fewer antibiotics in their first year than in homes without them.

Babies Are Healthier in Homes with Dogs
According to researchers, dogs track in dirt, which immediately exposes the children to a wide variety of microbes. When mixed with their immune system, a child matures more quickly. Although germs are unhealthy, a sterile germ-free home is as well.

This hygiene hypothesis is being directly correlated to the microbiome hypothesis, a theory that newborn exposure to numerous varieties of microbes helps keep the immune system from reacting against itself causing autoimmune diseases. Being exposed to good bacteria allows the microbes in our intestines to be altered to help protect us from allergies and infections.

To determine these results, researchers tested 397 children from their third trimester of pregnancy though their first 12 months. Detailed information revealed that kids in homes with dogs had fewer respiratory tract symptoms, had fewer ear infections and needed fewer antibiotics.

Although this exposure can be good for many children, not all babies may fall under this category. Professionals say there is an interaction between microbes and genetics. Children who already have asthma are especially at risk. Dogs do help fight sneezing and respiratory infections but those with asthma need the exposure very early in life.

Homes with cats have been found to be healthy as well but not to the same extent as dogs. If you are an expecting parent, make room for one more addition to the family and give your child a healthier life.

– The Alternative Daily

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