Susan Patterson
Protein Packed Stevia and Cocoa Brownies
Need a healthy, spring time desert recipe for those warm evenings? Ever thought of using Stevia instead of Sugar to bake? The Protein Packed...
Tired All Day? There’s a Good Chance It’s Caused By Your...
Is your fatigue a result of eating a poor diet? When you are eating a diet full of healthful foods, you are less likely to...
The Scary Facts About Cut Flowers and Our Health
For many, buying a bundle of cut flowers from the grocery store is an easy fix for a hostess gift or even to brighten...
3 Tools To Beat Stress Today
How many people do you know that become completely flustered and paralyzed when obstacles and stress cross their path in unexpected ways? It’s not...
2 Simple Steps That Everyone Can Do To Find Peace and...
Years ago, I had a client who struggled with being overweight. She felt fat, unattractive, and hopeless. During one of our sessions, she shared...
5 Ways To Get More Energy Now!
Do you feel less than energetic on a daily basis? Are you waking up un-refreshed and going through your day lethargically? Do you try...
Superfruit Banana: 5 Quick Reasons You Should Be Eating This Superfood
I have a funny history with bananas. When I was younger I loved banana flavored things but did not like fresh banana. I know...
3 Easy Steps To Mindful Eating
Elizabeth Gilbert's wildly popular memoir, Eat, Pray, Love, highlights her peak gastronomic and meditative experiences. In the New York Times bestseller, the author divides...
Age Gracefully With Antioxidants – They Could Be The Fountain of...
Everyone wants to grow old gracefully. Some go under the knife to get that youthful look while others opt for a more natural way...
Afraid To Show Some Skin During The Summer? Don’t Worry I...
With summer approaching I often wondered growing up, "What’s the deal with Summer Fashion?" Is it the sun or the sandy beaches that make...