Susan Patterson

Susan Patterson
Susan is a Certifed Health Coach, Master Gardener and sustainability expert who has authored over twenty top selling books on healthy living, clean eating, gardening and natural wellness. She has taught thousands of people how to shop, cook and eat healthily and live well. When she is not coaching others, writing or speaking, Susan can be found hiking, kayaking and enjoying time in her garden.

One Hamburger a Week Increases Risk of Prostate Cancer By 40%

One Hamburger a Week Increases Risk of Prostate Cancer By 40%
When Spock said, "Live long and prosper," he might have added "only if you don't eat red meat."

Sugar Addiction? Coffee Addiction? Any Addiction? Try Meditating

Sugar Addiction? Coffee Addiction? Any Addiction? Try Meditating
Q: I cannot seem to shake my craving for sugar (I use five teaspoons in a cup of coffee) and, truth is, I also...

Early Childhood Diet of Processed Foods Substantially Lowers IQ

Early Childhood Diet of Processed Foods Substantially Lowers IQ
"Jenny's in a fix/With her arithmetics/Poor concentration/Boys in the classroom cause agitation/ She's a junk food junky/Blame it on the food, yeah/Blame it on...

Learn From Olympians: Practice Safe Sex Too!

Learn From Olympians: Practice Safe Sex Too!
The Olympics are over, and the athletes have returned to their home countries. They left behind moments of glory, moments of disappointment and, apparently,...

Zero Health Benefits From Energy Drink Use in Children

Zero Health Benefits From Energy Drinks for Children
If you have recently visited a local youth baseball diamond, basketball court, or soccer field, you have undoubtedly seen children and adolescents consuming energy...

Dr. Oz: Meditation Reduces Loneliness and Health Problems for the Elderly

Dr. Oz: Meditation Reduces Loneliness and Health Problems for the Elderly
Q: I visited my 84-year-old grandmother in her assisted-living home recently, and she seemed lonely. I visit as often as I can, but what...

Slash Your Risk of Diabetes Naturally; It’s More Successful Than Drugs

Slash Your Risk of Diabetes Naturally; It's More Successful Than Drugs
If you're among the 79 million Americans with prediabetes - higher-than-healthy blood sugar levels that pave the way for diabetes and other health concerns - we've got sweet and sour news.

Lying Makes You Sick! Fibbing Causes Sore Throats, Headaches, Anxiety and...

Lying Makes You Sick! Fibbing Causes Sore Throats, Headaches, Anxiety and More
If you've ever tried to slide out of a tight spot with minor untruths or to avoid responsibility with outright lies like Jim Carrey...

Meditation Is Not Like Slamming a Few Beers in Vegas

Meditation Is Not Like Slamming a Few Beers in Vegas
You've arrived home after a long day. Although work is ostensibly done, you still have responsibilities to fulfill: A family to take care of,...

7 Natural Ways to Avoid Listeria

7 Natural Ways to Avoid Listeria
Q: Every time I pick up the paper it seems there's some mention that a food is contaminated with deadly bacteria. Now it's apple slices; before it was melons and spinach. What's going on, and what can I do to protect my family? - Charlene J., Charleston, N.C.