Susan Patterson
Boost Bone Health With These Non-dairy Calcium Alternatives
After her debut at the 1939 World's Fair, Elsie the Cow became so famous (the inspiration of the Borden Milk Company), she toured the...
Have You Ever Had a Ghost Poop?
The Ghostbusters were out to vanquish green goop; but if you have ghost poop (we're not kidding), it takes more than an ectoplasmic slime-buster to get your bowels moving smoothly.
Tomatoes Lower Risk of All Arterial Diseases
"Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe" may have spun a healthy yarn about the virtues of stubborn independence, but as far as...
Lime Chicken Breast Picante Delivers Healthy, Tasty Explosion in Your Mouth...
Organic Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts are my go to source for fast protein. I always keep a bag of frozen in my freezer for...
Broccoli Slashes Risk of Prostate Cancer by 25%
When Dana Carvey auditioned for "Saturday Night Live" (in 1986!), he won a slot on the show with a satirical impression of a rock...
Shed Some Belly Chub This Holiday Season With These 5 Fun...
The holidays are approaching and you're probably looking for a way to either lose weight before the new year or, in the very least,...
Intense Aerobics Improves Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
As Green Bay Packers' coach Vince Lombardi once said: "Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect." Today, neurologists can explain exactly what the...
Don’t Destroy Your Healthy Meal With These 8 Food Prep Pitfalls
What do deep-fried zucchini, salmon sauteed in butter, and garden pasta with Alfredo sauce have in common? They're examples of how you can take...
Don’t Believe the Fish Oil Bashing: Slash Your Risk of Heart...
Don't let a couple of "fishy" reports sway you. The latest news about omega-3s isn't good - it's great! We know more than ever...
Noise Pollution Increases Risk of Heart Attack and More
Q: When we first moved into our apartment building on a big intersection, the noise didn't bother me. But lately every honk or passing...