Susan Patterson

Susan Patterson
Susan is a Certifed Health Coach, Master Gardener and sustainability expert who has authored over twenty top selling books on healthy living, clean eating, gardening and natural wellness. She has taught thousands of people how to shop, cook and eat healthily and live well. When she is not coaching others, writing or speaking, Susan can be found hiking, kayaking and enjoying time in her garden.

The Magical, Belly Fat Burning Effects of Beans

The Magical, Belly Fat Burning Effects of Beans
As if there weren't already loads to love about beans, these tasty and oh-so-satisfying legumes are looking even more appealing thanks to a headline-grabbing...

Are Your Christmas Clothes Full of Toxins?

Are Your Christmas Clothes Full of Toxins?
From Red Adair, the Texan who extinguished oil-well fires (think of John Wayne in the 1968 movie "Hellfighters") to the first responders on 9/11,...

$16 Billion Industry: The Scary Facts Behind Anti-psychotic Drugs

$16 Billion Industry: The Scary Facts Behind Anti-psychotic Drugs
Americans take more medically-prescribed drugs per person than any other country in the world, and the U.S. ranks #1 in drug abuse. There are prescription...

The Bone Crushing Truth of Soda

The Bone Crushing Truth of Soda
As Rock Hudson demonstrated in the 1952 movie classic "Has Anybody Seen My Gal?" being a real soda jerk takes skill and dedication. Today,...

Never-ending Weight Gain: Is Your Sugar Metabolism Out of Whack?

Is Your Sugar Metabolism the Reason You Can't Lose Weight?
Insulin resistance is a state in which the body cannot use insulin effectively. Insulin is needed to help control the amount of sugar in...

Why 10,000 Steps a Day Is Important for Everyone

Why 10,000 Steps a Day are Important for Everyone
Ever since Jack LaLanne first broadcast his fitness show (while swimming back and forth across San Francisco Bay) and Jane Fonda videos urged us...

5 Healthy Reasons We Should All Be Getting It On!

5 Healthy Reasons We Should All Be Getting It On!
When Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Brunnhilde (in the opera "Siegfried") are brought to life with the magic of a kiss, well, that's not...

Heart Healthy Wine Roasted Salmon with Asparagus [Recipe]

Heart Healthy Wine Roasted Salmon with Asparagus [Recipe]
High temperature cooking, like grilling a fresh piece of salmon directly over a flame, can cause important nutrients, like Omega-3 fatty acids, to turn from...

Healthy Emergency Storm Cleanup Advice

Healthy Emergency Storm Cleanup Advice
Q: My cousin lives in Hoboken, N.J., and he's digging out after Sandy. How important is it for him to use a facemask to...

Holiday Desert Idea: Swap Out the Sugar for Veggies

Holiday Desert Idea: Swap Out the Sugar for Veggies
As the days get shorter, the temptation to eat comfort food increases, picking up a full head of steam through holiday dinners that serve...